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We sat down and had a chat with #OrbitMama 'Stella Cupo' on all things life, tiny homes on wheels,children and why being a conscious consumer is something we should all practice. 

Welcome to Orbit Stella! Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Stella, I’m full time mama to two beautiful little children, Luca and Soleia. We are from sunny south Florida ☀️


You travel a lot in your van, what made you decide to choose a van life?

It’s something we’ve dreamt of for so many years but never really had the ability to make it a reality. But this year things just fell into place one by one and our dream unfolded before us!


Being a full-time mum and always on-the-road, what's your day-to-day like?

It depends on what we’re doing that day! During the week, we usually wake up make breakfast, work on some homeschool, then play outside and explore new places! On days we travel, we spend most of our time on the road and enjoy the sights ✨


"The most fulfilling part of being a mother is simply watching my children grow, flourish and bloom right before my eyes."


How's your motherhood journey so far ? What brings you the most fulfilment ? 

Motherhood has been the most amazing journey of my life. The ups and the downs, the lessons. It’s the ultimate test of patience and sacrifice, and the purest form of unconditional love.

The most fulfilling part of being a mother is simply watching my children grow, flourish and bloom right before my eyes.


What are some of the life lessons you hope to inspire within your children that they may pass on to their children one day?

I can only hope my children learn through my own examples of selflessness, love and compassion for all people and living beings. To be a living example of Gods pure love.


"I believe we vote with our dollar, and it’s important to support companies that care about their environmental impact and the integrity of their product." 

We love seeing you & your children in Orbit. What do you look for when buying clothes for yourself and for your children and why? 

Whenever I can, I purchase clothing made with natural fibers and dyes, created ethically through sustainable practices! This is so important to me. Not just with clothing but almost everything we purchase! I believe we vote with our dollar, and it’s important to support companies that care about their environmental impact and the integrity of their product💕


Thank you for taking the time to talk to us & we hope you have a wonderful journey ahead :)

You can follow Stella on Instagram here 


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