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We're thrilled to introduce you to the lovely Paulinne, a talented photographer originally from Scandinavia and now based in sunny Brisbane, Australia. Paulinne has worked her magic behind the lens for several of our recent Orbit The Label campaigns, capturing the essence of our sustainable fashion line with her signature soft and natural aesthetic.

With a background as a professional ballet dancer and former model, Paulinne truly understands what it takes to create beautiful images from both sides of the camera. Her passion for portrait photography shines through in her work, where she effortlessly captures the inner radiance and unique personalities of her subjects. Let's get to know her a bit more...



What initially drew you to the world of photography, and how did you get started in the field?

'I have about 15 years of experience in ballet. However, I had to quit due to an injury, which led me to travel and explore. During my travels, I discovered my passion for landscape photography, which prompted me to study photography at Griffith University and Tafe in Australia. I transitioned from landscape to portrait and fashion photography and landed an internship at a portrait studio in Brisbane. Through hard work and determination, I became one of their photographers and eventually started my own photography business, specializing in sustainable fashion and organic beauty portraits.'

Could you talk about your experience as a professional ballet dancer and model and how it informs your approach to photography?

I think posing and creative direction has always been my strongest point as a photographer. Classical ballet is very expressive and requires a lot of control and body awareness, so somehow I’ve always found it easy to direct my clients and also show them physically how to move in front of the camera. I make my models move around a lot. Movement is incredibly important for the model to look relaxed in front of the camera and it’s also great when shooting fashion and to showcase the designs. 


How would you describe your personal aesthetic when it comes to photography, and what do you hope to convey through your images?

My aesthetics have definitely changed throughout the years, but nowadays I enjoy a slow lifestyle and like to keep the feeling of my work very natural and feminine. This aligns quite beautifully with the brands I work with and I just like to inspire people to adapt to a more organic and sustainable lifestyle.


Could you walk us through your process when working with a new model, and how you go about capturing their unique personality and inner radiance?

This is a great question, because I never really had a certain way of communicating with my models. I think the most important thing for me is to create a safe and genuine space for my clients and creative team and really allow everyone to be themselves and just have a really good time. I’m quite an introverted person, so I don't necessarily think it’s important to have a “deep conversation”, I just read people's energies and like to adapt in the most natural, genuine way. 



You specialize in sustainable fashion and portrait photography. Could you share your thoughts on the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry and how you incorporate this into your work?

I think it’s all about responsibility. I’ve committed to a slow fashion lifestyle, not only for my own well being, but for the rest of the world as well. For other people, nature and animals more than anything. We need to take responsibility for our daily choices. Commit to buying less, limit your outfits per day, and invest in pieces that last longer and are sustainably sourced. It’s easy to forget the impact of a purchase or the power you have as a consumer. There are small steps we can take each day to pave the path toward a more sustainable fashion future and as a photographer I like to be a part of this movement and inspire people to not only live, but think more sustainable.



What is the most challenging aspect of photography for you, and how do you overcome any creative blocks or obstacles?

For me personally it’s been the industry itself. It's such a tough gig to be a creative nowadays and always have been. The fashion industry however is very secretive and you need to be quite headstrong to find your people and place. This is another reason why I like to work with smaller brands and specialize in slow fashion. It's just more genuine and also a different level of appreciation for one another as creatives. 


How do you use light to create the timeless and visually striking images that are characteristic of your work?

I always base my lighting on my models' look, the styling and concept of the shoot. I think lighting combines the general feeling all together and so it plays an incredibly important role. I keep my lighting very simple and value simplicity and quality over anything else. A good photographer, to me, shouldn’t need fancy gear or complicated lighting setups to create captivating and timeless images. It’s all about your knowledge and experience and being able to make a vision come to life. 


What advice would you give to aspiring photographers, particularly those interested in sustainable fashion and portrait photography?

In a few short sentences..

~ Experience is everything. Get out there and shoot and focus less on gear and latest trends.
~Worry less about what people want to see and find inspiration from within yourself. That’s the only way you will find your own photographic style. 
~ As a fashion & portrait photographer ~ take responsibility and strive to inspire others to make better decisions.
~ Create genuine relationships with people and brands who truly appreciate you and your work. 
~ Always stay true to yourself. Originality is everything! 

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the lens of Paulinne's camera.

Don't forget to follow Paulinne on social media to see more of her beautiful portraits and sustainable fashion photography.

Stay tuned for more interviews with inspiring artists and creatives in the near future! Until next time, keep creating and capturing the beauty of life xx


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